Recorded June 14, 2012 Collecting Grant Morrison’s JLA #34, #36-41, Earth 2, and JLA: Classified #1-3. The League faces the end of the world with the arrival of Maggedon. They then meet their evil doppelgangers from an anti-matter world, and finally Batman must rescue the League from a trap in an infant universe. Episode 100: …
Tag: Flash
League Night Episode 100: JLA Deluxe Vol. 4
- Filed under Justice League, League Night, Podcast
June 27, 2012
- Alexander Luthor, Animal Man, Aquaman, Armageddon, Aztek, Batman, Big Barda, Big Seven, Black Lightning, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Brainiac, Crime Syndicate of Amerika, CSA, Deluxe Edition, Earth 2, Ed McGuiness, Flash, Frank Quitely, Glimmer, Gorilla Grodd, Grant Morrison, Green Lantern, Howard Porter, Injustice League, JLA, Johnny Quick, Justice League, Justice League Classified, Knight, Lex Luthor, Mageddon, Martian Manhunter, Mr. Miracle, Nebula Man, Neh-Buh-Loh, Oracle, Orion, Owlman, Plastic Man, Power Ring, Prometheus, Queen Bee, Qwewq, Sheeda, Squire, Steel, Super Woman, Superman, Ultraman, Ultramarine Corp, Volume 4, Wonder Woman, World War III, Zauriel
League Night Episode 99: JLA Deluxe Vol. 3
- Filed under Justice League, League Night, Podcast
June 20, 2012
Recorded June 7, 2012 Collection Grant Morrison’s JLA #22-26, #1,000,000 and #28-31, the Justice League battles a would-be world conqueror alongside The King of Dreams, meet their counterparts from the far future and get caught in a war between 5th dimensional imps. League Night Episode 99: JLA Deluxe Edition Vol. 3 Email Eric or Joe. …
- 5th Dimension, Alan Scott, Aquaman, Batman, Big Barda, Big Seven, Captain Marvel, comics, Crisis Times Five, Daniel, DC 1000000, DC Comics, Deluxe Edition, Flash, Grant Morrison, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Gypsy, Hardcover, Hourman, Howard Porter, Huntress, Jay Garrick, JJ Thunder, JLA, JSA, Justice League, Justice Society, Lkz, Martian Manhunter, Orion, Plastic Man, Qwsp, Sandman, Shaggy Man, Shazam, Solaris, Starro, Steel, Strength in Numbers, Superman, The Ray, The Spectre, Thunderbolt, Titans, Triumph, Ultramarine Corp, Vandal Savage, Volume 3, Wildcat, Wonder Woman, Zauriel
League Night Episode 98: JLA Deluxe Vol. 2
- Filed under Justice League, League Night, Podcast
June 13, 2012
Recorded May 30, 2012 Collecting Grant Morrison’s JLA # 10-17, Prometheus # 1 and JLA/WildC.A.T.S, the team faces Lex Luthor’s new Injustice Gang and the threat of Darkseid. The JLA fight a deadly new foe with the means to defeat them all. Finally, the team travels to another world to save all space and time. …
- Apokolips, Aquaman, Arnie Jorgenson, Atom, Aztek, Batman, Big Barda, Big Seven, Catwoman, Circe, comics, Darkseid, DC Comics, Deluxe Edition, Epoch, Flash, Gary Frank, Grant Morrison, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Greg Land, Grifter, Hardcover, Hippolyta, Howard Porter, Huntress, Injustice League, Jemm, JLA, Joker, Justice League, Justice League Revenge Squad, Lex Luthor, Majestic, Martian Manhunter, Maul, Mirror Master, New Year's Evil, Ocean Master, Oracle, Orion, Plastic Man, Prometheus, Retro, Rock of Ages, Steel, Superman, The Lord of Time, Val Semeiks, Void, Volume 2, WildC.A.T.S., Wonder Woman, Zauriel, Zealot
League Night Episode 97: JLA Deluxe Vol. 1
- Filed under Justice League, League Night, Podcast
June 6, 2012
Recorded May 23, 2012 Collecting Grant Morrison’s JLA # 1-9 and Secret Origins # 1, the newly reunited Justice League take on a team of alien superheroes with a hidden agenda, a rebel army of angels attempting to overthrow Heaven, and an old foe seeking revenge. Episode 97: JLA Deluxe Vol. 1 Email Eric or …
- Abnegazar, American Dreams, Aquaman, Asmodel, Batman, Big Seven, DC Comics, Deluxe Edition, Demons Three, Flash, Ghast, Grant Morrison, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Hardcover, Howard Porter, Hyperclan, JLA, Martian Manhunter, Neron, New World Order, Oscar Jimenez, Rath, Star Conqueror, Superman, The Key, Tomorrow Woman, Volume 1, Wonder Woman, Zauriel
League Night Episode 96: Justice League – Doom
- Filed under Justice League, League Night, Podcast
May 30, 2012
Recorded March 18, 2012 Vandal Savage steals confidential files Batman has compiled on the members of the Justice League, and learns all their weaknesses. -from IMDB League Night Episode 96: Justice League – Doom Special Guest: Jason Young Email Eric or Joe. Time – 83:02 min. / File Size – 40mb Subscribe via RSS Subscribe …
- Alfred, animated, Bane, Batman, Cheetah, Cyborg, Doom, Flash, Green Lantern, J'onn J'onzz, Jason Young, Justice League, Justice League Doom, Lois Lane, Ma'alefa'ak, Metallo, Mirror Master, Movie, review, Royal Flush Gang, Star Sapphire, Superman, Tower of Babel, Vandal Savage, Wonder Woman
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