Recorded June 14, 2012 Collecting Grant Morrison’s JLA #34, #36-41, Earth 2, and JLA: Classified #1-3. The League faces the end of the world with the arrival of Maggedon. They then meet their evil doppelgangers from an anti-matter world, and finally Batman must rescue the League from a trap in an infant universe. Episode 100: …
Tag: Sheeda
League Night Episode 100: JLA Deluxe Vol. 4
- Filed under Justice League, League Night, Podcast
June 27, 2012
- Alexander Luthor, Animal Man, Aquaman, Armageddon, Aztek, Batman, Big Barda, Big Seven, Black Lightning, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Brainiac, Crime Syndicate of Amerika, CSA, Deluxe Edition, Earth 2, Ed McGuiness, Flash, Frank Quitely, Glimmer, Gorilla Grodd, Grant Morrison, Green Lantern, Howard Porter, Injustice League, JLA, Johnny Quick, Justice League, Justice League Classified, Knight, Lex Luthor, Mageddon, Martian Manhunter, Mr. Miracle, Nebula Man, Neh-Buh-Loh, Oracle, Orion, Owlman, Plastic Man, Power Ring, Prometheus, Queen Bee, Qwewq, Sheeda, Squire, Steel, Super Woman, Superman, Ultraman, Ultramarine Corp, Volume 4, Wonder Woman, World War III, Zauriel
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