League Night Episode 35: Maid of Honor II

Recorded February 17, 2011

League Night Episode 35: Maid of Honor II

The Justice League works to thwart Vandal Savage’s plan to blackmail the nations of the world with an orbiting rail gun.

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 35: Maid of Honor II

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 29:31 min. / File Size – 14mb

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League Night Episode 34: Maid of Honor I

Recorded February 17, 2011

League Night Episode 34: Maid of Honor I

Diana makes friends with a flighty princess only to discover her fiancé is the immortal supervillain, Vandal Savage.

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 34: Maid of Honor I

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 24:51 min. / File Size – 11mb

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League Night Episode 33: Only a Dream II

Recorded January 26, 2011

League Night Episode 33: Only a Dream II

With the other members of the Justice League trapped in their worst nightmares, Batman and Martian Manhunter have to defeat Doctor Destiny and save them before it is too late.

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 33: Only a Dream II

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 29:23 min. / File Size – 14mb

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League Night Episode 32: Only a Dream I

Recorded January 26, 2011

League Night Episode 32: Only a Dream I

A man becomes a supervillain who attacks his victims in their dreams.

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 32: Only a Dream I

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 25:04 min. / File Size – 12mb

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League Night Episode 31: Tabula Rasa II

Recorded January 12, 2011

League Night Episode 31: Tabula Rasa II

Android Amazo has absorbed all the League’s powers, but the mind-reading talent taken from J’onzz prompts him to question Luthor’s true motivations. Meanwhile, Batman reveals he has a contingency plan for Superman going AWOL: Kryptonite.

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 31: Tabula Rasa II

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 26:44 min. / File Size – 13mb

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