League Night: Dwayne McDuffie 1962-2011

Recorded February 23, 2011

League Night: Dwayne McDuffie 1962-2011

Eric and Joe take some time to remember Dwayne McDuffie, writer and producer of the Justice League animated series and long time comic writer and creator, who passed away suddenly on February 21, 2011.

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League Night Episode 30: Tabula Rasa I

Recorded January 12, 2011

League Night Episode 30: Tabula Rasa I

Lex Luthor finds an extremely advanced android that can imitate superpowers and manipulates it to attack the Justice League.

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 30: Tabula Rasa I

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 27:35 min. / File Size – 13mb

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League Night Episode 29: Twilight II

Recorded January 5, 2011

League Night Episode 29: Twilight II

Trapped in Brainiac’s headquarters, a temperamental Superman discovers that the metal monstrosity has made a deal with Darkseid, whose own son Orion engages him in battle.

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 29: Twilight II

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 33:35 min. / File Size – 16mb

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League Night Episode 28: Twilight I

Recorded January 5, 2011

League Night Episode 28: Twilight I

Darkseid convinces the League to help him fight Brainiac from destroying his planet of Apokolips.

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 28: Twilight I

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 25:41 min. / File Size – 12mb

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League Night Episode 27: Justice League of America

Recorded December 16, 2010

League Night Episode 27: Justice League of America

And what is this? An evil Weather Man intent on destroying New Metro City with a series of malevolent meteorological mishaps? Can the super-powered (and semi-employed) Justice League of America save the day? Or will New Metro be drowned in a humongous tidal wave?

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 27: Justice League of America

Special Guest: Jason Young

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 66:32 min. / File Size – 32mb

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