Tag: Paradise Lost

League Night Episode 11: Paradise Lost II

League Night Episode 11: Paradise Lost II

Recorded September 29, 2010 While helping Wonder Woman liberate her island, the League discovers Faust is attempting to free Hades and open a portal to Tartarus, a pit of souls. -from IMDB League Night Episode 11: Paradise Lost II Email Eric or Joe. Time – 26:17 min. / File Size – 12mb Subscribe via RSS …

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League Night Episode 10: Paradise Lost I

League Night Episode 10: Paradise Lost I

Recorded September 29, 2010 Wonder Woman returns to Paradise Island after her abrupt departure, only to find the Amazons turned to stone. Sorcerer Felix Faust demands three mystical artifacts as the ransom. -from IMDB League Night Episode 10: Paradise Lost I Email Eric or Joe. Time – 28:29 min. / File Size – 13mb Subscribe …

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