Farscape Episode 76: Coup by Clam

Recorded January 7, 2014


With Moya in need of expert repair, the crew stops at an isolated settlement in the region known as Tormented Space. They submit to a routine examination for so-called “Space Madness,” but find themselves the victims of an extortion plot by the examining doctor, who has placed toxic quantum clams in their food.

– From Wikipedia

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 46:08 min. / File Size – 23mb

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    • Bobby on January 17, 2014 at 3:30 pm

    So you guys hit a real trough the past few weeks, but stick with it. You’re about to hit, really, one of the best runs of the show from here on out with maybe a couple of minor exception — mental as anything; twice shy — but neither is as bad as the string you just endured. Trust me, it’s about it get a lot cooler.

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