League Night Episode 64: Ultimatum

Recorded August 31, 2011

League Night Episode 64: Ultimatum

A team of too-good-to-be-true superheroes find out the truth about their origins and go on a rampage.

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 64: Ultimatum

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 26:09 min. / File Size – 12mb

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League Night Episode 63: The Greatest Story Never Told

Recorded August 10, 2011

League Night Episode 63: The Greatest Story Never Told

Eager for fame and fortune, the futuristic Booster Gold is frustrated when he is continually sidelined by the Justice League leadership. When the Justice League faces its latest foe, Booster Gold is relegated to crowd control, only to come across a rapidly emerging disaster – one that forces him to confront his motives in becoming a superhero.

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 63: The Greatest Story Never Told

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 31:28 min. / File Size – 15mb

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League Night Episode 62: The Return

Recorded August 10, 2011

League Night Episode 62: The Return

After blasting through the entire Green Lantern Corps, the android Amazo returns to Earth. Only the Justice League stands between him and his goal — the now-reformed Lex Luthor.

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 62: The Return

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 28:23 min. / File Size – 14mb

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League Night Episode 61: This Little Piggy

Recorded July 27, 2011

League Night Episode 61: This Little Piggy

When Circe changes Wonder Woman into a pig, Batman and Zatanna must find her and change her back.

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 61: This Little Piggy

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 29:14 min. / File Size – 14mb

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League Night Episode 60: Kid Stuff

Recorded July 27, 2011

League Night Episode 60: Kid Stuff

After Modred magically eliminates adults from the world, his mother transforms a League team into children in order to do battle with her son in that situation.

-from IMDB

League Night Episode 60: Kid Stuff

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 25:46 min. / File Size – 13mb

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