Twin Peaks Episode 12: Laura’s Secret Diary

Recorded July 23, 2014


Cooper and Sheriff Truman arrest Leland after he confesses that he was the one who murdered Jacques Renault in his hospital bed as well as the one who attacked Dr. Jacoby that night under the delusion that he was protecting Laura. Hank Jennings asks Norma to spruce up the Double R Diner when news circulates that a shadowy travel writer and food critic named M.T. Wentz, whom no one has ever met, may be coming to Twin Peaks.

– From IMDB

Email Eric or Joe.

Time – 39:15 min. / File Size – 19mb

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    • jason young on July 30, 2014 at 1:37 pm

    Hadn’t you guys considered the possibility that Mr. Tojamura had in actuality been disguised as Catherine Martell all along? And that he had his penis surgically removed in order to more effectively seduce Benjamin Horne in order to gain control of his properties?

    The clues were all there if you were paying attention.

    • on July 30, 2014 at 3:00 pm


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